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Alternative Dispute Resolution: Divorce Options When Courts Are Closed

Right now, we’re all aware how the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted all aspects of our daily lives. Stay-at-home orders from Governor Roy Cooper update continuously and plans to lift restrictions in phases are currently in process – but by no means are we back to our day-to-day lives quite yet.

What does this mean for couples going through a divorce, or who were preparing to divorce when the national pandemic hit?

In early April, North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley announced continued postponement of court proceedings until June 1, 2020. This includes cases like family law and divorce. However, this doesn’t mean that our attorneys here at Epperson Law Group aren’t still here for you. Although courts may be at a standstill (aside from emergency hearings), you and your spouse may want to consider alternative dispute resolution measures like mediation or arbitration to ensure your divorce isn’t unnecessarily delayed. We can help.

The majority of divorces can be resolved without going to trial. For many, litigation is a last resort for couples in a highly contentious or complex divorce. It can take months or even years in court, at a high emotional and financial cost. With many court proceedings on hold for the time being, clients are looking for more efficient and faster ways to resolve their marital issues.

What is mediation?

Divorce mediation allows couples to work together to find mutually beneficial solutions to their issues with the assistance of a trained and neutral mediator. This process differs from litigation as it doesn’t pit each spouse against each other. Rather, each spouse works with their own attorney, and the mediator helps facilitate and negotiate decisions regarding things like:

Mediation can be a good choice for couples who are willing to work together to resolve their disputes and want to avoid court. It’s also a private process held out of the public eye and keeps your affairs confidential. However, if you are unable to come to an agreement during mediation, your case will move to court and a judge will decide the outcome instead.

What is arbitration?

Divorce arbitration is a process similar to court, but private like mediation. An arbitrator acts much like a judge and makes a final decision regarding your disputed issues. Arbitration is also a binding legal process that, much like a trial, includes arguments and evidence. Once an arbitrator makes a decision, they submit it to the court for approval.

Through teleconferencing and videoconferencing, our attorneys continue to offer mediation and arbitration services, and are happy to consult with you about your family’s specific needs. Our secure and safe technology allows for document review and e-signing without having to visit our offices, if you are unable to do so.

The attorneys at Epperson Law Group, PLLC are here for your family law needs. If you have questions or concerns about filing for divorce or need assistance resolving divorce-related issues, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. Call us in Charlotte, Boone, or Weddington at 704-321-0031, or visit our contact page, and schedule your consultation.