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Can I Collect My Ex’s Social Security After Divorce?

Yes, you may be entitled to your ex-spouse’s Social Security benefits after a divorce. However, in order for you to possibly receive these benefits, you will need to fill out an application with the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA will review your information and determine whether you are eligible to receive your ex-spouse’s Social…

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Why Long-Married Couples Get Divorced

It can be shocking to find yourself facing divorce after 20 or more years of marriage. However, you are not alone. Bowling Green State University states that “Between 1990 and 2021, the divorce rate decreased for those aged 15 to 44, whereas it increased for those aged 45 and older.” The AARP also reports, “In…

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Is There a Specific Way to Ask Your Spouse for a Divorce?

Since no one wants to just throw their marriage down the drain, most people think long and hard before they realize that they must get a divorce in order to move on and become themselves again. While this can be a difficult realization to accept, it can be even more challenging trying to figure out…

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Easy Ways to Make Your Divorce Harder Than It Is

Many couples do not realize how complicated the divorce process can be. They think that they can file for divorce at any time and then in a few short weeks or months, they will obtain the divorce and move on with their lives. However, it is rarely that simple, and depending on where you live,…

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Marriage Replay: Divorcing and Remarrying Your Spouse

If you have divorced and remarried your spouse, you may be thinking that things will be different this time. This is normal as you both have most likely settled your quarrels and put everything in the past behind you. Now, you are now living together in your spouse’s home and you want to start investing…

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Negotiating Alimony During Your Divorce

During a divorce, if you believe that you and your ex-spouse can remain cordial and work together without any huge disagreements, you may be able to pursue divorce mediation. Divorce mediation is a process in which a couple is able to avoid going before a judge and having the judge decide about their divorce agreements,…

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Buying Big Ticket Items Following a Divorce

Once a divorce is finalized it’s time to resume your life, as much as you possibly can. A step that many recent divorcees take is buying a new home or car. You might think that a big ticket purchase might be years down the road for you, but it can be done if you plan…

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What Makes a Premarital Agreement Invalid?

Many couples decide to develop premarital agreements to protect their properties, assets, and finances before they get married. This ensures that in case they ever get divorced or if one spouse passes away, there is a legal document that explains who will get the properties, assets, finances, and more. While it is a great idea…

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